Cube Reference

The Cube References tab is used to bring Linked Cubes together. By using Cube References, one Cube is defined as a parent Cube. The parent Cube will have the Cube References configured to include all referenced Entity Dimensions from child Cubes. When a Cube is created, the Cube Reference tab is blank. When Entity Dimensions from child Cubes have a relationship with the Entity Dimension from a parent Cube, the Cube for Referenced Entity Dimensions section will populate for the parent Cube. Creating these references links child Cubes to the parent Cube and ensures data consolidates into the Referenced Entity hierarchy of the parent Cube. See Entity Dimension for more information.

Example: In the example below, Golfstream is the parent Cube and acts as a Super Cube. CorpEntities are the Entity Dimension assigned to the Golfstream Cube. CorpEntities are the Entity Dimension that other Entity Dimensions will create relationships with to create Cube References.

When an Entity hierarchy from another Entity Dimension, such as HoustonEntities, has a relationship with an Entity in the CorpEntities Entity Dimension, HoustonEntities will appear in the Cube Reference tab under Cube for Referenced Entity Dimensions for the Golfstream Cube.

It continues to create relationships between Entity Dimensions from child Cubes to CorpEntities in Golfstream. A final list of Referenced Entity Dimensions in the Golfstream Cube may display like this: